Secondary and Tertiary Markets in Western U.S. Prove Stronger and More Stable

Despite misconceptions around market performance of secondary and tertiary markets in the Western United States, these markets prove to be more economically robust and less volatile than primary markets, according to Graceada Partners’ research reports, Economic Vibrancy in Secondary & Tertiary Markets and Real Estate Fundamentals in Western U.S. Secondary & Tertiary Markets.

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Matthieu Bouchard
5 Questions: The forgotten tertiary real estate markets

Primary markets (such as Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco), and hot secondary markets (such as Austin, Charlotte, Denver and Phoenix) have gotten crowded and expensive when real estate assets are performing well, begging the questions: How much money is being left on the table in tertiary markets? What are the challenges to investing in these markets, and how are they best evaluated and accessed?

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