Team & Culture: Our People Embody Our Values — Graceada Partners
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Who We Are

Our People Embody
Our Values


our culture

Core Values
We Practice


Positive, Caring & Humble

We approach the world in a positive, best intentions, open mind frame. We genuinely care for the long-term success of our tenants, investors, vendors, & colleagues. We "check our ego at the door" and approach every situation with a win-win mindset.


Owns the Mission

We have a clear understanding of our mission and how it contributes to the company’s success. We drive outcomes and act decisively. We go the extra effort when necessary. We care deeply about the results and outcome.


Does the Right Thing

We act with integrity and honesty in all situations. We focus on what is best for a situation and all parties involved. We approach negotiations with a win-win mindset.


Excellence in Execution

We strive for excellence in everything we do. We continually ask if how we are approaching things is consistent with a world class organization. We assume our customer is deciding whether to do business with us with every action we take.


Wants to Win

We have a burning desire to win in everything we do. We are willing to make the commitment necessary to be successful. We are always focused on outcomes and results.       


Ryan Swehla

Meet Ryan

Jim McFaddin

Meet Jim

Matt Yelland

Meet Matt


Jon Salzberg

Meet Jon

LeAnn Piombo
VP of Apartment Property Management

Meet LeAnn

Daniel Martini, CPA
VP of Finance

Meet Daniel

Max Carey, CPM
Senior Property Manager, Commercial Properties

Meet Max


Peter Finley
Managing Director, Institutional Capital Markets

Meet Peter →

Carrie Mulgado
Property Controller

Meet Carrie

Devin Combs, CFA
Director of Capital Markets

Meet Devin

Casey Kahler
Investor Relations Associate