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Secondary markets become ‘outpost economies’ as technology and the pandemic untether workers

As the place where millions of people work remains flexible — a consequence of advanced technology accelerated by a global pandemic — there’s a sizable shift in the nature of work, its location and employment implications. Commercial real estate firm Graceada Partners identifies this trend, defines it, and explains the sweeping impact it will have on real estate, employers and cities in its new “Rise of the Outpost Economy” report.

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Tech Workers’ Exodus Pressures San Francisco’s Economy

Major metros with a booming economy, large talent pool and attractive cultural life used to dictate the pace of new trends and lifestyle choices across the U.S. The pandemic, however, has swept away the benefits of gateway cities and prompted residents to move to secondary markets, giving way to a more dispersed economy and employment base, or the “outpost economy” according to a report by Graceada Partners.

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Three Secondary Markets That Are Booming During The Pandemic

Published at Forbes

Immediately following the Covid-19 lockdown were mass layoffs and furloughs that impacted millions of Americans. People fortunate enough to keep their jobs and work from home had a different experience. Many have embraced a kind of new normal, working from home for months. For some, remote work provided an opportunity to move away from the congested city and the prices that follow.

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Diversifying Your Portfolio Through Real Estate Investing

Published at Forbes

Months after the onset of Covid-19, we continue to see its impact on a global scale. While world leaders and business communities work hard to reinvigorate economies, experts predict we’ll feel the effects of this disruption for years to come. The scope and suddenness of this crisis are urging investors to ask key questions about portfolio composition: How resilient is my portfolio? How have my allocations withstood market volatility? Have I diversified my options to the fullest extent?

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